“Perhaps you’ve never thought of it this way, but beauty is power,” Dr. Rome said with the calm confidence of a man who believes he’s speaking the truth. “And with enough power, one can achieve anything.” 1.
In the newly released historical thriller, The Beauty Doctor, The previously mentioned Dr. Franklin Rome practices beauty surgery in New York City in the year 1907, at a time when the medical world was still a little similar to that of the Wild West. Although the fictional Dr. Rome does not turn out to be the person he claims to be, his claim regarding beauty’s power has, in large part, been confirmed by subsequent research. Aesthetic surgeons are the reality that beauty has advantages in helping patients achieve their goals and live happy lives should cause us to feel good about our work. But why and how do we determine the importance of physical beauty? Are beautiful people happier?
It’s common knowledge from quite many studies by psychologists and economists that attractive people are materially more prosperous. As per University of Texas labor economist Daniel Hamermesh, this is one of the primary reasons why they’re more content than their less attractive peers. Hamermesh was among the first scientists to research the effects of the appearance of a person’s image on earnings. One of his conclusions is that a handsome man will make up to 13% more than his less attractive counterparts throughout his career. Women who are attractive also tend to be paid higher than those with less attractive looks, although the proportional difference isn’t as significant. Consider, however, that a beautiful woman (who might or may not be financially prosperous in her own right) will be more inclined to marry with a rich spouse. 2
In a study that covered nearly 300 Dutch advertising agencies, it was revealed that companies with most attractive executives had higher profits and profits, at least partially due to the fact that attractive managers were more effective in their interactions with customers. 3 In my personal experiences, numerous patients have shared with me that, at the very least, one reason they seek out cosmetic surgery is that it will allow them to earn more. Many women in the restaurant industry who’ve sought breast augmentations have shared with me their experience that bartenders and servers with larger breasts typically get more generous tips in addition to younger and more attractive employees, regardless of gender. Recently an agent from the real estate business came to me for an enhancement to her appearance, saying that she thought her younger colleagues have a distinct advantage, particularly in the market for luxury homes.
Alongside the economic benefits, Hamermesh maintains that women are able to feel a sense of personal happiness from their appearance due to their belief in beauty’s inherent significance. 2 Maybe this goes back to earlier times when feminine beauty was considered to reflect moral virtue. Perhaps it’s just that beautiful women like being treated more positively in all aspects of their lives. A study by Harvard University, it was discovered that women enhanced by wearing makeup were seen by other people not just as attractive, but also as more skilled, likable, and reliable. 3
The attraction to attractiveness isn’t limited to us as a species. It was discovered that even chickens have a preference for the same types of attractive faces that humans do, indicating that these reactions are a part of the nervous system rather than caused by the influence of culture. 4 The other research appears to prove this notion that mind “rewards” us for looking at attractive faces. Certain reward areas of the brain are involved in our perceptions of satisfaction. The participants in the study by the Department of Psychology at the University of Oslo (Norway) demonstrated an increase in the activity of these pleasure areas when they were looking at pictures of attractive people versus images that were rated less attractive. A further finding was that these increased levels of activity in the reward system of the brain led to behavioral changes that included the decision to focus on attractive images longer and rating them higher. 5 A Finnish study showed that male and female non-incumbent lawmakers who had more attractive faces than their opponents received, on average, 20 percent more votes. The study suggested that one of the main reasons for this benefit was that people liked seeing attractive candidates more than candidates who were less appealing. 3
There are many more things to be beautiful about than gaining fame and economic popularity and economic success. It’s not a new concept that, historically speaking, searching for attractive partners is a requirement of evolution. Physical attractiveness is usually viewed as a signpost of health, particularly in the past when this kind of assessment of a possible mating partner was crucial to maintaining the survival of the species. It is believed that we are programmed to identify and appreciate certain traits that indicate the fined by my appearance. I was taught that in order to enjoy being loved by others, I needed to be attractive and thin. This can lead to many problems.” She added, “I’m older now, and I’m more self-conscious. If you’re young you’re free to do off with more. I’ve always thought being self-conscious was a bad thing. Now, I am feeling different.” 8 I’m not able that fully understand the reasoning behind Ms. Fonda’s thoughts. However, I’m fairly certain the plastic procedure has helped much to prolong her acting career. In fairness, she’s been quoted as saying that she credits plastic surgery for the longevity she’s had in her career. The point I am trying to make is that there’s no reason to be embarrassed or even apologize for some basic human instincts and the realities of our lives that cause us to strive to be as beautiful as we could. Let’s “tell that it as that it is”–that attractiveness is a benefit in the world and today, with the advancements in surgical procedures, are easier to access than ever before.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I believe that beauty is solely based on physical characteristics, but I also acknowledge that we focus too much on appearance that we do not recognize the quality of the beauty within. I am also aware that for certain people, the desire to attain “perfection,” physical or otherwise, can turn into an unhealthy and even dangerous obsession. A good example of this is eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. the body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), which causes some patients seeking plastic surgery to undergo procedure after procedure, not getting the desired results.
Beauty is regarded as a virtue because it is a rare commodity. Attractiveness, however, does not rely on having a perfect appearance, a perfect hourglass shape, or a flawless masculine body. It is a significant psychological aspect, as it is dependent on factors like the way you think and your ability to think critically and socially, and it is deliberately cultivated by behavior. For instance, a nice smile can make someone attractive. Wearing a stylish and cute outfit as well as being a good communicator, an excellent listener, and caring for others and oneself–all of these are elements that can make someone charming.